Extended Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System with Adaptive KNN and SVD


  • Sagedur Rahman Student, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, CHINA




Collaborative Filtering, KNN, SVD, Matrix Factorization, Recommendation System


In recent years, recommendation systems have gained significant importance due to the vast amount of digital content available on various online platforms. Collaborative filtering is a widely adopted approach in recommendation systems, leveraging user-item interactions to make personalized predictions. However, traditional collaborative filtering methods face challenges such as the cold-start problem and data sparsity. To address these issues, researchers have proposed advanced techniques, including Adaptive KNN-Based and SVD-Based Extended Collaborative Filtering. This paper provides a comprehensive review of these two recommendation systems, discussing their underlying principles, advantages, and limitations. Furthermore, we explore recent research advancements and real-world applications, providing insights into the potential future developments in this field.


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How to Cite

Sagedur Rahman. (2023). Extended Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System with Adaptive KNN and SVD. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, 13(4), 105–112. https://doi.org/10.31033/ijemr.13.4.14