Comparison between the British and American Methods in Designing Concrete using Local Aggregate in the City of Mosul Preparation


  • Mohammed Taher Abdul Rahman Al-Haidari Senior Engineer Head, Al-Rafidain Company for Dams Construction, JORDAN



Design, Concrete, Mosul


This research included an applied study for the design of concrete mixtures by following the  method of the American Concrete Institute (ACl) and the method of the Building Research  Center in England (British method) to restriction which of these two methods is more suitable  for use and application in the design of concrete mixtures when using local aggregate (gravel  and sand taken from the area Badush and Aski Mosul), where job mixes were made using the  mixing ratios obtained from these two methods, and a comparative study was made for the  properties concrete resulting in the soft state (workability )and the hardened state  (compressive resistance), and the results proved the following:

A- In general, when discussing the results according to mixing ratios and workability levels,  the method of the Building Research Center in England (the British method) gave higher  results than the results obtained by the American Concrete Institute method (the  American method) when using the above local aggregate whereas results shown increase  in (workability) and Compressive strength. This increase amounts to the percentages  shown in the table below:


Compressive strength


Slump test 





Precipitation = 10-8 cm



Precipitation = 18-15 cm

Table (1-1)


B- It is possible to make another comparison, when fixing the proportion of water/cement, it  turns out that the method of the Building Research Center in England (the British method)  gives higher workability than the method of the American Concrete Institute (the  American method) and for the same proportion of cement/ water, the American method  gives Higher compressive strength than the British method. 

C- The building research center method is a more practical and applicable method more  than the American Concrete Institute method because it takes the type of cement, the  type of aggregate and other properties of the aggregate (especially particle shape) into  consideration more than it is in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) method. The above results were relied upon in designing the appropriate concrete mixture in the Mosul Water Project - Right Coast.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Taher Abdul Rahman Al-Haidari. (2021). Comparison between the British and American Methods in Designing Concrete using Local Aggregate in the City of Mosul Preparation. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, 11(6), 54–61.